Facilities at Mittal Garden

car parking at at our hotel in Siliguri

Large Free Parking Space

One of the best facilities of Mittal Garden is our large and free parking spot. We can comfortably and securely accommodate 20 cars.

cctv at our hotel in Siliguri

Secured Compound

The premises of our hotel is secured with CCTV cameras at every corner. We also have a 24-hour security service.

travel assistance at our hotel in Siliguri

Superb Location

Mittal Garden is located in the centre of the city of Siliguri and is very well connected to nearby tourist spots and business centres.

breakfast at out hotel in Siliguri

Complimentary Services

We offer a plethora of services such as complimentary breakfast and in-room dining to our guests.

travel desk at out hotel in Siliguri

Pick-up and Drop-off Services

Mittal Garden is well connected to local travel agents. We can arrange drop-off and pick-up services from nearby travel hubs on demand from our guests.

bell at out hotel in Siliguri

Late Check-In and Early Check-Out

The gates of our hotel open up early in the morning and close late in the night for your convenience. (Charges apply as per established check-in and check-out times, i.e., 12 pm and 11 am respectively